Australian pedigree dog lovers are choosing dogs with severe genetic risks over healthier breeds, analysis shows.

Between $2.5 trillion and $24.2 trillion of global financial assets could be at risk due to climate change.

The dams that power much of Tasmania have seen their storage levels drop even further.

Hundreds of doctors and medical professionals are calling on the Victorian government to retire the Latrobe Valley's brown coal power plants because of the health concerns.

Residents say the New South Wales Government is failing in its response to the toxic legacy of Mr Fluffy asbestos.

Academics and aboriginal rangers have come together near the Queensland-Northern Territory border to farm native spinifex grass for the world's strongest, thinnest condoms.

The WA Conservation Council has launched Frack Free Future - new anti-fracking campaign to press the issue ahead of next year's state election.

Queensland’s Palaszczuk government has granted the final major approval for the controversial Carmichael coal project in Central Queensland.

Some of Australia’s most futuristic machines are being used to study some of the nation’s oldest artworks.

Reports say INPEX is trying to renege on an agreement for $30 million worth of environmental projects.

Academics have opened fire on myths spun by mining companies.

A Queensland farming family is in a legal bid for compensation for damage from coal seam gas mining.

About 95 per cent of the reefs that make up the Great Barrier Reef have fallen victim to severe coral bleaching.

New South Wales will have a statewide inquiry into water management and storage.

The Queensland Government has launched a surprising attack on job cuts at the CSIRO imposed by the Federal Government.

A 700-kilometre stretch of the Murray River has been plagued by a large blue-green algae bloom.

Anxiety disorders are some of the most common of all brain issues, and a new study on fruit flies may have shed some light on anxiety’s most basic mechanisms.

The Victorian town of Anglesea is being consulted about future uses for the site of Alcoa’s coal-fired power station and mine.

The Queensland CFMEU says two more workers have black lung, marking the eighth confirmed case of coal miners’ pneumoconiosis since December last year.

The National Heath and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has put up another $3.3 million for studies on illness and wind turbines.

South Australia’s enthusiasm to build a nuclear waste storage facility may be tempered by a new Australia Institute report.

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