Australian technology is being used to forecast water quality in California.

Humpbacks appear to have been happier during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nationals leader David Littleproud expects the Queensland LNP to support the federal opposition’s nuclear power plan.

The ACCC has forecast longer-term gas supply issues.

Scientists have successfully sequenced the entire genome of the Australian bilby.

Experts have explored the remarkable diversity of microorganisms that play a critical role in maintaining the health of the Brisbane River.

This week marks the tenth anniversary of the Basin Plan water trading rules in the Murray-Darling Basin.

The NSW Government has approved six replacement water sharing plans.

New tenders for gas exploration have been awarded in Queensland.

AEMO has released its 25-year roadmap for transitioning the NEM to net zero emissions by 2050.

A study of past climates paints a grim outlook for fish species.

Ocean acidification appears to be making coral reefs less appealing to certain fish species due to the simplification of coral structure.

Future marine heatwaves are predicted to heighten the risk of coral bleaching events.

Two high-level meetings have occurred to decide on significant plans for water in Australia.

An underground coal mine in Queensland has been burning for several days.

The Albanese Government has approved the Gawara Baya Wind Farm, a significant renewable energy project in North Queensland.

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For the last few weeks we have been bogged down in the very Earthly matters of royalty, budgets, politics, humanity and celebrity - all good prompts to look away, up into the infinite. 

Health authorities, politicians and scientists have been slowly introducing the world to the concept of ‘One Health’ - an all-inclusive approach to health that extends from the human body right through the global environment. 

This year’s Nobel Prizes honour discoveries that unwind our notion of truth, our understanding of ourselves and the human story, the complexities of cells and the very basics of the universe. 

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - sounds like something that would happen to an ill-fated crew member in Star Trek, but it is also a technical term for using non-human parts to treat or enhance our own bodies. 

I am Tim Hall; a red-blooded, beer-drinking, car-driving Australian male who has no interest in watching sports – at least, not the sports played by humans.

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