For a long time, Australian Aboriginal cultures were thought to have sole-dominion over the secrets of setting fire to the land they hunt, but scientists are now finding the ancient wisdom with a modern lens.

A new climate research college has opened in Australia, seeking to pick up the slack as climate science is cut in other areas.

Groundwater is a natural resource which enables the activities of many other industries, now a centre dedicated to studying groundwater has put a price on the hugely important resource.

Even the trees are grabbing their slice of Western Australia’s underground resources, with CSIRO showing nature may have levied its own minerals tax.

An Australian mining office Kyrgyzstan has been attacked by forces opposed to a gold-mining project.

Governments in Asia continue to use asbestos as a building material, putting generations of lives at risk with virtually no regulation.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman plans for his state to be the export point for hundreds of millions of tonnes of resources per year, by way of developments at five of its existing ports.

The Western Australian Government is most certainly in the fracking industry, and may intend to stay there for centuries.

A new report has shown a deeper level of mutual benefit between humans and the billions of bugs that live in our gut.

Australia’s Minister for Industry says the Government’s plan for the future of the energy industry will seek to increase productivity and reduce regulation.

The smoke and fumes from industry, transport and agriculture have been officially recognised as cancerous.

A new manufacturing technique has led to an increase in the energy-gathering abilities of solar panels.

A team in the United Sates has identified the genes responsible for increasing the oil content of plant leaves, in a discovery which could lead to great advances in the fields of agriculture and biofuel production.

A new study has taken up the ambitious task of predicting a full chain of events - beginning with our current chemical impact on the ocean - to forecast the state of the sea in a hundred years from now.

Australia will take the lead on governing a treaty that will see scientists around the world sharing their seeds.

Australia is set for a tempestuous end-of-year, with forecasts predicting an 11-cyclone season.

Scientists in North Queensland are reporting remarkable success in attempts to reduce the amount of agricultural chemical run-off to the Great Barrier Reef.

An Australian research group has been empowering women to a prosperous future through education and training all over the planet.

Australians will have to put aside their understandable scepticism and embrace the benefits of recycled water, a recent report has told.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has released draft legislation to repeal the Carbon Tax, including the abolishment of the Climate Change Authority, Clean Energy Act, and other measures designed to combat pollution.

Moves are afoot to halve the time it takes to get mining exploration approval in Queensland, with the State Government moving to slash the process.

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