Two teams from Monash University have made their mark at the Shell Eco-Marathon.

The event sees 105 student teams from fifteen different countries taking part in intense tests of efficiency, endurance and speed.

Team Monash Alpha and Team Monash 2 from the University’s Malaysian campus , with Team 2 taking out the Prototype Alternative Diesel Fuel category..

Team Manager of Team Monash 2, Chin Kee Wen says the contest was appealing on a number of different levels.

“Our team decided to participate because we found the race competition concept very interesting,” Chin said.

“Instead of the conventional race to the finish line, we were challenged to build a car which could travel the farthest in the shortest time possible, all on 1 litre of fuel.”

The Monash team took just 32 days to build their racing contraption from conception to completion.

The engineering students faced challenges that may beset even experienced professionals - choosing best materials, parts and equipment, fabrication and manufacturing of the car, and even to the how and where to store it.

“We had to identify the systems which needed to be built and designed, such as the chassis, body, engine, transmission, brakes, fuel and electrical circuitry,” Chin said.

“Only after that was sorted out could we begin the designing phase. During this time, we underwent several design changes through trial and error, in order to achieve an optimal design which was the lightest, safest and also meet all requirements set by Shell.”