South-East Asia has suffered the greatest losses of biodiversity of any tropical region in the world over the past 50 years, according to new research.

Researchers found that South-East Asia has the lowest remaining forest cover, highest rates of deforestation, and the highest human population densities among all of the major tropical regions.

The study, published in the journal Nature, highlights the importance of natural forests undisturbed by humans - known as 'primary forests' - in sustaining tropical wildlife.

A new machine at the University of New South Wales Water Research Laboratory can act as an environmental “time machine”, allowing researchers to preview the long-term effects on groundwater aquifers of activities such as coal seam gas and longwall mining.

Internationally renowned plant conservation biologist Professor Stephen Hopper FLS will be stepping down as director of the world heritage-listed Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, UK, to take up a new Chair in Biodiversity at The University of Western Australia.

The Western Australian Government has announced it will wait for the completion of an appeal over coal mining in the Margaret River before any changes to environmental protection in the area are made.

The Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) has released the Mary Basin Resource Operations plan, which reviews the way in which water is used between towns, irrigators and the environment.

Coca-Cola Amatil has announced it will consider pursuing legal action against Keep Australia Beautiful over the introduction of the Northern Territory container deposit laws that would provide a 10 cent refund on containers.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has introduced the Federal Government’s carbon tax legislation to Parliament, saying that the legislation will lead to reducing the country’s carbon production while stimulating the economy and creating jobs.

Siemens has been ranked the most sustainable company in its industry for the fourth time in a row.

The global wind power industry is beginning to pick up pace in both the developed and developing worlds, according to a report released by the World Wind Energy Association.

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) has launched its Large-Scale Solar Policy Roadmap, finding that Australia has five years to establish the foundations for a sustainable large-scale solar industry or it will run the risk of missing out on a huge economic opportunity.

Logging in Victoria’s mountain ash forests is increasing the risk of catastrophic wildfires, according to an expert from The Australian National University.

The New South Wales Government has outlined $1.4 billion in spending for environmental and heritage works in the state's Budget.

James Cook University scientist George Lukacs has been elected President-Elect of the Society of Wetland Scientists, an international organisation of about 4000 members dedicated to fostering sound wetland science, education, and management.

A Community Report Card that will rank the overall sustainability of Victoria's south west is being developed by researchers at the University of Ballarat, together with Southern Grampians Shire Council and the Natural Assets Alliance of South West Sustainability Partnership which includes Wannon Water, the Department of Sustainability and Environment and the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority.

The Federal Government has announced an additional $35.2 million in funding for its Green Building Fund and Tax Breaks for Green Buildings Programs.

The joint Western Australian and Federal Government Drought Pilot panel has published its drought policy platform which targets adapting to and dealing with future droughts.

The Australia Solar Institute is interested in receiving feedback from the Australian solar research community in relation to a proposed Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) funded initially under the auspices of the United States – Australia Solar Energy Collaboration (USASEC).

The South Australian Government is developing a cross-government strategy to increase the supply of people taking up careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields to meet the future needs of local industry.

The Victorian Government has announced that the solar feed in tariff incentive program that currently pays 60c per kilowatt hour for surplus electricity exported to the mains grid will not be accepting applications after the end of this month. 

Sulzon Energy Australia has revealed plans to spend upwards of $1.3 billion to build one of the world's largest wind energy projects on South Australia's Yorke Peninsula.

A new reference guide has been launched, bringing together the the major lessons of the leading practice handbooks and case studies from around the world in a single reference point for mine managers, senior operating personnel at mine sites, consultants, regulators and others involved in implementing practical and sustainable mining solutions.

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