James Cook University scientist George Lukacs has been elected President-Elect of the Society of Wetland Scientists, an international organisation of about 4000 members dedicated to fostering sound wetland science, education, and management.

Mr Lukacs will hold the position for 12 months before taking over as President – the first person from outside North America to head the organisation.

The Society which was founded more than 30 years ago in the USA, and publishes the academic journal Wetlands, certifies professional wetland scientists and brings together those with an interest in wetlands and wetland science.

A Community Report Card that will rank the overall sustainability of Victoria's south west is being developed by researchers at the University of Ballarat, together with Southern Grampians Shire Council and the Natural Assets Alliance of South West Sustainability Partnership which includes Wannon Water, the Department of Sustainability and Environment and the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority.

The Federal Government has announced an additional $35.2 million in funding for its Green Building Fund and Tax Breaks for Green Buildings Programs.

The joint Western Australian and Federal Government Drought Pilot panel has published its drought policy platform which targets adapting to and dealing with future droughts.

The Australia Solar Institute is interested in receiving feedback from the Australian solar research community in relation to a proposed Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) funded initially under the auspices of the United States – Australia Solar Energy Collaboration (USASEC).

The South Australian Government is developing a cross-government strategy to increase the supply of people taking up careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields to meet the future needs of local industry.

The Victorian Government has announced that the solar feed in tariff incentive program that currently pays 60c per kilowatt hour for surplus electricity exported to the mains grid will not be accepting applications after the end of this month. 

Sulzon Energy Australia has revealed plans to spend upwards of $1.3 billion to build one of the world's largest wind energy projects on South Australia's Yorke Peninsula.

A new reference guide has been launched, bringing together the the major lessons of the leading practice handbooks and case studies from around the world in a single reference point for mine managers, senior operating personnel at mine sites, consultants, regulators and others involved in implementing practical and sustainable mining solutions.

Weeks out from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's draft decision on environmental flows, evidence has been supplied from a veteran irrigator in Victoria's north on the environmental health of the system.

Research conducted by the Grattan Institute has found that the billions of dollars outlined by the Federal Government to offset the negative impacts of its planned carbon tax is unjustified and costly.

The Victorian State Government has passed legislation which prohibits the construction of new wind turbines within certain proximity to dwellings and regional centres.

A number of senior water researchers have warned of the possible effects of the coal seam gas (CSG) industry on water and salinity.

The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) is being extended from five to six stars.

Deliberate alteration of the Earth’s environment by humans on a large scale to counter the effects of climate change and in some cases to avoid having to reduce carbon emissions, could be called ‘moral corruption’ according to a leading Australian ethicist.

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has concluded a three-year investigative study into levels of acid sulfate soils in the Basin, finding extensive levels of the potentially damaging soils in the southern part of the Murray-Darling Basin.

The Federal Government has announced the first major reform to the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EBPC) Act since its creation in 1999. The reform forms the Federal Government’s response to the independent review of the Act by Allan Hawke AC.

A suburb of Melton, in Victoria’s south, is set to become the first water neutral built up area in the country after construction is completed.

The Queensland State Treasury has released its Carbon Price Impacts for Queensland statement, in which Treasury outlines the projected affects the tax will have on the state’s economy.

Australian Paper, the manufacturer of Reflex paper, has lost part of its international green credentials after pulling out of an audit of its wood supplies.

The Federal Government has released a draft marine bioregional plan that proposes to establish marine reserves networks to protect marine environment in Australia’s north and north-east.

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