The United Nations is challenging Australia to do something to protect the Great Barrier Reef from environmental degradation caused in part by costal development.

Australian environmental groups are campaigning to end anti-wind farm rhetoric, saying it could damage the industry and our environmental future.

A draft plan by the City of Sydney has suggested the metropolis could be powered by entirely renewable sources.

A new initiative by the Coalition for Community Energy is calling on the Federal Government to fund the establishment of renewable energy sources in communities around the country.

72 New South Wales councils will share in $38.7 million in State Government funding to help them improve resource recovery, tackle waste and improve their local environment.

Keeping global temperature rises below 2 degrees Celsius is still a viable possibility, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The Queensland Government is calling on the community of the Gladstone region to submit their views on two new draft water resource plans (WRPs) being prepared for the Boyne River Basin.

Better land use may be the key to preventing further damage to the world’s coral systems, according to a study published by an international research team.

The Federal Government has announced a new program which it says will drive the deliver of 150 megawatts of energy through new renewable energy resources in regional and remote areas of the country within the next five years.

The Federal Government has unveiled a new plan that will see an area almost 80 times the size of the Melbourne Cricket Ground vegetated with native seedlings, shrubs and grasses in the Coorong Lower Lakes Murray Mounth wetlands.

The Queensland Government is calling for community feedback on Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed $1.76 billion Byerwen Coal Mine, north of the Bowen Basin.

The Queensland Government is seeking feedback on its recently released 30 Year Water Strategy discussion paper.

The Victorian Government has signed up to the Inter-Governmental Agreement for the Murray Darling Basin Plan’s implementation and an associated funding agreement.

The Queensland Government has announced $4.2 billion will be allocated in the 2013-14 State Budget to rebuild the state after this year’s floods, with $2.1 billion of that going to road rebuilding.

The Queensland Government has announced $80 million dollars for natural resource management (NRM) in the State’s budget.

Parliament has voted down a motion by the Coalition to kill of the Federal Government’s network of marine parks.

Researchers from the University of Adelaide have found a lake on an island off the coast of Queensland that has remained untouched by changes in the earth’s climate over the past 7,000 years.

Increasing the carbon price’s emission reduction target from 5 per cent to 25 per cent by 2020 would have a marginal impact on the economy, according to the latest economic modeling released by WWF-Australia.

The South Australian Government has announced 100% allocation in 2013-14 for the state’s Murray irrigators.

The Federal Government has announced 25 solar researchers will share in $3 million to pursue their ground breakering work to make solar technologies cheaper, more efficient and more accessible.

The Northern Territory Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released its new Draft Environmental Guidelines for public comment.

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