A Western Australian wind farm has reached the end of its nominal design life, and some locals want to make sure it doesn’t take the air from their renewable sails.

A new project will see thousands of bees decked-out in the scientific accessory of the summer - a 2.5mm wide sensor strapped to their backs to monitor the insects and their environment.

Buying low, selling high, hustling, hoarding and grifting - all attributes normally applied to human economic markets, but new research shows microbes and bacteria are known to hit the trading floor for a good deal too.

A huge Integrated Food and Energy Development (IFED) has been declared a “state co-ordinated project” in Queensland, with residents soon able to have their say on the plan that will consume over half a million megalitres from a nearby river.

Australian scientists have found a record of a long-term climate pattern locked within layers of coral, which has shown that the Great Barrier Reef is influenced by more factors than previously thought.

Over two hundred marine scientists have come out against a New South Wales State Government plan to permanently allow recreational fishing in environmentally sensitive areas.

The African tigerfish has a habit that many suspected but no-one had seen, until it was caught on camera by South African researchers.

A trial is on in the UK to test an innovative solution to pollution from public transport, with electric buses rolling between wireless charging points in London.

Fish migrations will be interrupted by the drying climate near Australia’s coast, according to a new paper from Murdoch University.

Funding has been awarded to a number of projects aimed at creating a truly sustainable fisheries industry for Australia.

Australian scientists have contributed to an international report urging world governments to better protect large carnivores, saying a decline at the apex will flow through the food chain.

The Federal Environment Minister is one of a dwindling number still in support of Australia’s Renewable Energy target, with the Prime Minister more excited about the “superabundance” of coal.

Research engineers in the US have designed a micro-windmill that yield a tiny new level of energy gathering.

A European team will conduct a study to see if our anti-bacterial, super-sanitary world could be doing more harm than good.

One of Australia’s largest oil and gas firms has been fined for the failed reporting of more than dozen environmental incidents.

Federal cabinet ministers will spend the next few weeks rooting out redundant and unnecessary laws, after the Prime minister mandated that thousands be repealed.

Questions have been answered about the complex array of bacteria that live in and on our bodies, one of the most exciting and expansive new fields of biology.

A new technique may bring a totally renewable reality a little bit closer, improving the ways electricity from wind and solar can be stored.

Reports say a raft of changes will be rolled-out in some Victorian schools, after the state's education department was taken to court over ongoing asbestos concerns.

Reports this week claim two giants of the petrol game are looking to sell their Australian refineries and petrol stations.

A few details from the Federal Government's Direct Action climate policy have been released in a new green paper, and have already been slammed by the Opposition and environmentalists.

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