Millions will be spent to set up remote operation of regional dams in New South Wales.

Australian researchers will deliver life-saving help to farmers in some of the poorest and most arid regions on the planet.

The face of the adult human is covered in microscopic eight-legged creatures, not an appealing image, but it could help trace our path across the planet.

Researchers have investigated the impacts of certain gas ‘fracking’ techniques, and found that they can be more environmentally-friendly than wind or solar plants.

Despite their constant grinning, research shows that some dogs are distinctly more pessimistic than others.

Antarctic sea ice will reach new records in coming weeks, one expert says, but the growing ice is already being used as an anti-climate change argument.

Australia could get to zero net emissions by 2050, without compromising prosperity or economic opportunities, data suggests.

More than forty companies that support the building, mining and energy industries say Federal Government moves could put thousands of jobs at risk.

Insiders say a growing stoush in a WA gas field could be the next flashpoint for tensions between miners and indigenous groups.

Engineers in the US have invented a battery powered by molten metals which could be excellent for grid-level power storage.

The heirs to one of the world’s great oil empires are getting out of the family business.

Australia will seek to claw back billions of dollars that big mining, building and technology companies funnel out of the country to avoid tax.

A new peak body has been set up to represent the interests of the energy storage sector in Australia.

The weekend saw the African nation of Sierra Leone in lockdown as a measure to stop the worst Ebola outbreak in history.

A group of 63 Australian economists have released a joint statement rejecting the Federal Government’s repeated insistence that the country is facing a “budget emergency”.

One local government has approved a development application for large, permanent protesters’ campsite.

A public service insider has trashed the Prime Minister’s attempts to tackle indigenous affairs.

A glass tube and some chip packets could be the key to preventing millions of deaths, local students say.

A new report could test the resolve of infrastructure-friendly but ecologically-ignorant politicians.

The waters off Australian beaches are suffering under a plague of plastic, as urban life strangles nearby fish and birds.

The Queensland Government has introduced new laws that save mining companies from applying for water licences.

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