A new report shows industry professionals overwhelmingly support recycled drinking water as a way to ensure future supply security.

Tasmanian researchers have launched a commercial-viability test of equipment that can capture endless supplies of clean energy from the ocean.

Once again, some of the world’s smallest nations (also those under most threat from a shifting climate) are rallying together to save their land.

Funding has been secured for a demonstration-scale fuel plant in South Australia, which converts marine microalgae into green crude.

A local think tank says the Australian coal industry is using overblown and hyperblic claims to make itself seem more influential and important than it really is.

The UK could be heading for the same science-sceptical funding arrangements that have taken over the Australian Government.

The Federal Government has poured almost $100 million into Australian research, giving $30 million for university infrastructure and $70 million for 200 new research projects.

The Federal Government has admonished the Opposition for some strong comments on the future of the coal industry.

WA councils say the State Government is ignoring a clear public safety issue, by failing to help when whale carcasses wash ashore.

Some more money has been provided to fund changes to the way Kakadu National Park is managed.

One tropical council has banned future coal-seam gas projects amid fears it will affect water quality.

Monash University has undertaken a twenty-year running investigation into the health effects of the Hazelwood mine fire.

The Federal Government’s Green Army has been mobilised, and one of its first missions will see young unemployed people helping to restore the Tuggerah Lakes in New South Wales.

Toro Energy has secured a $10 million deal to kick off Australia’s newest uranium mine.

The scientific world has a new machine at its disposal, with a novel tool to provide better designer organisms.

Milk is good for growing bones – or so the old adage goes, but new research suggests this is probably not true.

A government energy report says coal and gas will keep the country running for decades, but might appear in a slightly different form.

The Federal Government has provided an excellent opportunity for companies to appear as though they are doing something about their carbon emissions.

Major banks say they are not keen on Queensland coal port expansions, which are also the subject of a damning scientists’ report.

The Amazon Rainforest – known as the ‘Lungs of the Earth’ – is running out of breath.

Victoria is the latest state to sign on the Federal Government’s “One-Stop Shop” approach to environmental approvals.

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