The Quarterly Estimates of Australia’s National Inventory: September Quarter 2010 has been released by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency.


The report provides estimates and shows trends in Australia’s National Inventory up to the September quarter of 2010. The quarterly National Inventory includes emission sources listed under Annex A of the Kyoto Protocol - energy, industrial processes, agriculture and waste sectors - but does not include emissions from the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) activities under article 3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol, for which data are not yet available.

The preliminary emission estimates have been compiled by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency using the estimation methodologies incorporated in the Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System (AGEIS) in conjunction with a range of other activity and economic indicators.


Seasonal adjustment and trend analysis has been conducted using the Australian Bureau of Statistics SEASABS tool.


The Estimates report is available here.