Residents of one Victorian shire have been spared from the noisy incursion of baboons, lemurs and gibbons.

A ruling has been made to confirm a recent Northern Grampians Shire planning decision, saying the Halls Gap Zoo cannot introduce new monkey enclosures.

The zoo had wanted to bring in some new species for is expanded primate exhibit, but the Council said their whoops and cries would be too loud.

The Tribunal reportedly used information on the volume of the different species in its determination, saying the rambunctious apes would be too loud outside the zoo’s boundaries.

VCAT is not a totally inflexible arm of Victorian bureaucracy, and has allowed the zoo to bring in ten new golden lion tamarins – the quietest of the proposed monkeys.

North Grampians Mayor Kevin Erwin said despite the dispute, the Council recognises the zoo as a strong business and an asset to the community.

The zoo’s owner was reportedly unhappy at the decision.