Australian scientists are working with Chinese counterparts on the next generation of batteries. 

Scientists from Flinders University in Australia and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in China have embarked on a groundbreaking project to create the world's first safe and efficient non-toxic aqueous aluminium radical battery. 

The teams have reported the initial phase of development in an article published in the Journal of American Chemistry.

Traditional batteries often contain hazardous materials that pose a threat to the environment and human health when improperly disposed of. 

Lead, cadmium, and mercury can contaminate soil and water, persisting in the ecosystem for extended periods. Recognising this issue, the researchers sought to develop a more sustainable alternative.

Under the guidance of Dr Kai Zhang from Zhejiang Sci-Tech University and Associate Professor Zhongfan Jia from Flinders University, the teams focused on the electrochemistry of stable radicals using the widely used Lewis acid electrolyte Al(Otf)3 and battery testing.

Their innovative design employs water-based electrolytes, rendering the batteries fire-retardant and air-stable. 

These aluminium radical batteries have demonstrated promising results, maintaining a stable voltage output of 1.25 V and a capacity of 110 mAh g–1 over 800 cycles, with minimal loss of just 0.028 per cent per cycle.

Professor Zhongfan Jia envisions a future where biodegradable materials are used to create soft-pack batteries, ensuring the safety and sustainability of the product. 

He says there are major advantages of multivalent metal ion batteries, such as Al3+, Zn2+, or Mg2+, which utilise abundant elements found in the Earth's crust and offer higher energy density than conventional lithium-ion batteries.

The slow movement of Al3+ ion complexes has been a significant hurdle for aluminium-ion batteries (AIBs), resulting in low cathode efficiency. 

To address this challenge, the researchers have turned to stable radicals, a class of organic electroactive molecules widely used in various organic battery systems. 

These radicals have previously demonstrated success in organic hybrid LIBs, sodium-ion batteries, and all-organic batteries, but their application in AIBs has been limited due to a lack of understanding regarding their electrochemical reactions in electrolytes.

With their potential for sustainability and low-cost energy storage, aluminium radical batteries could revolutionise the battery industry and reduce reliance on toxic materials. 

The collaboration between Australian and Chinese scientists brings together expertise from both nations, fostering innovation and advancing the field of battery technology.