A survey undertaken by the Queensland Government-owned energy companies Ergon Energy, ENERGEX and Powerlink Queensland has found that while Queenslanders are increasingly aware of the need to reduce energy consumption, the ownership and use of air-conditioning in households across the state is continuing to rise.


The second edition of the Queensland Household Energy Survey shows that 74 per cent of South East Queensland homes now have air-conditioning – up around two per cent in the past year. The survey also shows that the average number of systems in each home is rising.

There are now around 1.6 million domestic air-conditioning systems in South East Queensland, with three out of every four Queensland homes now having air-conditioning. This is up by more than 150,000 systems in the past 12 months at an average of close to 3000 systems installed per week.

Around 3500 home owners were interviewed for the survey to obtain a snapshot of their household electricity use and energy-saving attitudes and awareness.

Findings also include:

  • 75 per cent of all Queenslanders believe it is important to reduce their energy consumption;
  • homeowners are embracing energy efficient light bulbs, water efficient shower heads and home insulation at a greater rate than ever before;
  • an increasing number of homeowners now regularly switch off appliances at the wall rather than leave them on standby which consumes energy; and 
  • a growing number of Queenslanders now understand the importance of buying energy efficient appliances and having them hard-wired into the best available electricity tariff.