A decision to allow a Tasmanian golf club to turn wallabies into pet food has caused outrage among environmentalists. 

Tasmania's Greens Beach Golf Club has obtained approval to begin culling wallabies and rabbits due to “excessive droppings” and “destruction” of the course's greens.

The club has received a “crop protection permit” from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE).

The permit, which is valid for five years, allows rabbits, wallabies and brushtail possums to be shot. 

Greens Beach Golf Club has issued a statement saying it is an “avid supporter” of native flora and fauna.

“We have a variety of wildlife enjoying the environs of the golf course and intend for that to continue,” a spokesperson said.

“The problem we have is the dry weather does cause an abundance of animals, namely wallaby and rabbit that feed on the greens which leads to not only excessive droppings but, more importantly, destruction through their scratchings and burrowing.”

The club says it is bringing in a registered game management team “that work within very strict and regulated guidelines”.

The carcasses of the animals will be processed as pet food.

Oma Rodger from the Tasmanian Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (TWRC) says wildlife carers are outraged and disappointed.

“These are unnecessary deaths. They are taking the easiest and least effective method of managing these populations through shooting,” she said.

“It is a short-term gain. They have done this before and now they are doing it again. There are alternative methods.”

A DPIPWE spokesperson said culling permits are granted when “alternative” and “non-lethal strategies” are not effective.

The Launceston Golf Club received approval to cull native species in 2019, causing a similar response from animal welfare advocates.

The club gave up on the planned cull following community outrage.