Ranger Services Manager - [Archived Advertisement]
Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (View other jobs from this organisation)
Ranger Services Manager
Murujuga Aboriginal Coprporation (MAC) is the incorporated body representing Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, Mardudhunera, Yaburara and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo peoples, as Traditional Owners and Custodians of Murujuga Country.
A place of outstanding natural beauty, Murujuga Cultural Landscape is nominated for World Heritage Listing for its more than two million petroglyphs, dating back over 50,000 years, its cultural traditions spanning the same period, and as an outstanding example of human interaction with the environment through periods of significant climatic change.
Role and Scope
- Responsible for the management and oversight of all works programs within the Murujuga Ranger Program (including the National Park in close liaison with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and fee for service opportunities) determining standards are met ensuring all activities are compatible with organisation, service objectives and management responsibilities. Also ensuring all obligations and contractual agreements are met on standard and on-time.
- Responsible for leading and managing staff and ensuring close liaison and working relationships occurs with MACs Joint Management partner to provide for an integrated and effective delivery of services.
- Responsible for internal and external liaison with stakeholders and the community with regard to operational service programs.
- Responsible for overarching Program planning, financial, human resource, assets and administrative functions for the Ranger Program.
Position and Outline of Duties
Services Management
- Manages and oversees all works programs for the Murujuga National Park (in close liaison with DBCA) and Fee for Service opportunities division, determining standards and techniques, and ensures all activities are compatible with the organisations service objectives and management responsibilities.
- Ensures that all works are in accordance with the management plans (Murujuga National Park Management Plan, Murujuga Cultural Management Plan) and organisations guidelines, the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984, Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Bush Fires Act 1954 and associated regulations, licensing and enforcement programs, circulars, policies, guidelines and other relevant legislation.
- Collaborative support with Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions leaders including other relevant department services to prepare service operations plans which reflect strategic and operational needs.
- Coordinates the preparation of correspondence, briefing notes and reports, as required.
- Other duties from time to time as directed by the Chief Executive Officer.
- Manages oversight of preparation, coordination, implementation, and integration of works programs and activities on and off co-managed lands, considering resource requirements, seasonal and environmental factors.
- Contributes to the establishment of strategic and short-term goals and resolves conflicting priorities as they arise.
- Ensures the maintenance of the organizational assets and park infrastructure. Develops specifications, manages contracts and supervises contractors as required. Including identifying and securing contracting opportunities as appropriate.
- Liaises with service representatives, and Government departmental branches as required, to achieve service goals concurrently with the attainment of community service objectives, adapting advice to meet local conditions. Ensures outcomes meet or exceed standards as per service priorities.
Communication and Stakeholder Liaison
- Plays a key part of the Ranger Program communications with the general public, local authorities, various government departments, community and stakeholder groups, with respect to the Organisations activities. Promotes effective relations and communicates the organisations mission and goals to key stakeholders, its members and the broader community.
- Liaises with Aboriginal communities regarding joint management interests and activities, promotes and controls aboriginal involvement in the workforce and encourages participation through Aboriginal Employment Opportunities.
- Represents the organisation on various committees, Working group meetings and media interactions.
- Advises the Chief Executive Officer on political or contentious issues arising as a consequence of management activities.
Human Resource & Financial Management
- Ensures effective daily financial management of Murujuga Ranger Program ensuring compliance with the relevant funding obligations.
- Conducting analysis of the MLSU financial activities and develops control systems and financial models to make accurate budget and performance measurement predictions to facilitate the achievement of business outcomes.
- Maintains and promotes good employee relations. Supervises and develops staff and ensures that their work place meets organisations standards and occupational health and safety requirements.
- With the assistance of the Human Resources Manager, undertakes recruitment of staff and ensures appropriate training is delivered.
- Ensures compliance with relevant awards, Equal Employment Opportunity principles, and that human resource management standards are applied.
Selection Criteria
- Considerable experience in program management with well-developed business management knowledge and experience.
- Considerable experience of high-level leadership, supervisory, organizational, works program planning, and human resource management skills; including a demonstrated ability to promote staff development, deal with contentious issues and improve performance, empowering staff to achieve agreed outcomes.
- Evidence of high-level oral communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in effective liaison and negotiation with other government agencies, industry, stakeholders, Aboriginal groups and community interest groups, and the media, with evidence of having responded to and resolved complex and detailed issues.
- Considerable experience in and knowledge of administrative and financial management, including budget preparation, contract management and expenditure control.
Essential / Desirable Criteria
- Demonstrated high level written communication skills, including a demonstrated ability to respond to complex and detailed enquiries, and using computer software (including Word, Excel, GIS systems etc.) for report writing, data analysis and data management.
- Understanding of equity and diversity principles and practices.
- Current ‘C’ Class manual Driver’s License.
- Previous experience in a law enforcement or Ranger related industry. (Desirable)
- Qualification in Occupational Health & Safety, Frontline Management. (Desirable)
- Qualification in a natural science relevant to nature conservation, natural resource or wildlife management. (Desirable)
- A sound working knowledge of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984, Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, Bush Fires Act 1954, and associated regulations, and other legislation, Awards, policies and instructions relevant to the department. (Desirable)
Applicants should supply a current resume outlining skills, knowledge and experience relevant to the position.
Applications will be considered and viewed as received. Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation reserves the right to close this position advert at any time.
PLEASE NOTE : This is a Dampier based role.
For more information about this position, please contact the Human Resources Department on hr@murujuga.org.au
Job Summary
- Location:
- WA - Dampier
- Work Type:
- Full Time
- Category:
Indigenous Culture/Heritage
Indigenous Environment/Water
Parks/Public Space
Program Delivery/Management
Ranger/Animal Services