Researchers are growing bacteria into wires for electronics.

Experts have detailed ways to ensure a sustainable future for the Murray-Darling Basin.

The Gold Coast City Council faces public scrutiny and possible legal action after a significant sewage spill into a local river.

Experts say healthcare screening is needed for lakes.

A new study has unveiled insights into the migration patterns of the first humans to the landmass that became Australia.

Australia is expanding water quality monitoring from space.

Climate change is helping tropical fish invade the normally cooler Australian waters

NSW’s shark net program is catching a lot of non-sharks.

Mining giants BHP and Vale have proposed a $38 billion settlement over the catastrophic failure of the Samarco tailings dam in 2015.

Engineers have developed a brick made from recycled materials that promises to reduce household energy costs.

Concern has been raised around a gas deal meant to secure the NT’s energy future.

New research finds most national COVID-19 treatment guidelines recommend treatments that do not work.

The IEA wants to ensure global climate pledges are carried out.

The Resources Minister has excused herself from decision-making on the contentious Petroleum Export Permit 11 (PEP-11).

WA has urged the Commonwealth to apply its “use it or lose it” policy for energy companies holding undeveloped offshore gas field licences.

A once leading figure in Australian regulation says a fancy slogan could hinder progress.

Woodside Energy has weathered shareholders’ rejection of its climate plan.

Councils say kerbside bin funding will stop waste being sent to landfill.

Climate change is set to slash global income by 19 per cent.

SA Water is responding to growing water scarcity on the Eyre Peninsula.

A Senate inquiry has heard concerns of “state-sponsored greenwashing”.

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