Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - March, 2011
The WA Government is claiming to have reduced the time taken to obtain environmental approvals while at the same time increasing approvals for major resource projects.
Speaking in State Parliament, Environment Minister Bill Marmion said the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) had reduced the average processing time to assess works approval applications for major resource projects from more than 60 working days in September 2008, when the Liberal-National Government took power, to 45 days last quarter.
“DEC continues to meet the target time frame of 60 working days to process works approval applications, with only one application not meeting the time frame in the past 24 months. DEC also granted a record 36 works approvals last quarter.
Final winners in Green Car Innovation Fund announced
Two final projects have been awarded funding under the Australian Government’s Green Car Innovation Fund for a Greener Future .
Garnaut calls for clean technology funding and a national electricity market
Two new papers have been released by Professor Ross Garnaut as part of his Climate Change Review for the Australian Government.
Government sets out carbon price schedule
The Federal Government has announced that the carbon price scheme will begin on 1 July 2012, subject to the passage of legislation to be introduced in the Spring sittings of Parliament.
New centre for green telecommunications
A new Centre for Energy Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) has been launched in Melbourne with the focus on innovation in energy efficient networks and telecommunications infrastructure with the aim to reduce the industry's impact on the environment.
Fund for Bass Strait islands renewable energy
A new fund has been launched by the Tasmanian Government to develop renewable energy projects for the Bass Strait islands.
Toolkit developed to establish carbon forests
The sister cities of Blacktown City Council and Liverpool Plains Shire Council have produced a toolkit that deals with establishing carbon forests in urban and rural environments.
First firms sign up to GBCA communities initiative
HASSELL and Tract Consultants have become the first organisations in Australia to sign up to the Green Star Communities Supporter initiative developed by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA).
Federal Government gives go-ahead to Wandoan coal mine
The Federal Government has given conditional environmental approval to the Xstrata Coal's proposed mine at Wandoan on Queensland's Western Darling Downs.
NT Government releases draft vegetation management bill
The Northern Territory Government has released its proposed changes to the Pastoral Land Act and details of the planned Native Vegetation Management Bill for comment.
Carbon Farming Initiative legislation introduced
Legislation has been introduced to Parliament to establish the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) and start rewarding farmers and other landholders taking action to reduce carbon pollution.
Study calls for funding to save Kimberley species
A CSIRO-led study has concluded that up to 45 native species in Western Australia's Kimberley region will die out within 20 years if no action is taken.
Queensland Household Energy Survey released
A survey undertaken by the Queensland Government-owned energy companies Ergon Energy, ENERGEX and Powerlink Queensland has found that while Queenslanders are increasingly aware of the need to reduce energy consumption, the ownership and use of air-conditioning in households across the state is continuing to rise.
Product Stewardship Bill introduced
The Australian Government has introduced into Federal Parliament the Product Stewardship Bill, which will help manage the environmental, health and safety impacts of products including televisions and computers.
2011 Energy Report Released by ABARES
The Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences has released its annual report into energy use and consumption throughout the country.
New CEO for Sustainable Business Australia
The CEO of Sustainable Business Australia (formerly Environment Business Australia), Fiona Wain, has stepped down from the position after 12 years due to ill health.
Duarte appointed director of UWA Oceans Institute
The University of Western Australia has appointed renowned oceans researcher Professor Carlos Duarte as Director of the Oceans Institute.
Australia strengthens solar technology research with Germany
The Australian Government has signed a new memorandum of understanding with Germany for research and development into solar technologies.
Garnaut update warns of climate change outlook
The Federal Government’s adviser on climate change, Professor Ross Garnaut, has released his update on the science of climate change finding that observations and research outcomes since 2008 have confirmed and strengthened the position of scientists who maintain that the Earth is warming and that human emissions of greenhouse gases are the primary cause.
New CSIRO environmental research clusters established
CSIRO has launched a new two new environmental research clusters.
Green Building Council assesses NSW performance
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), has assessed the NSW Government’s green building performance against five key criteria.