Experts are concerned about wetland springs that will feed the proposed Carmichael coal mine in the Galilee Basin.

An inquiry into the destruction of the Juukan Gorge rock shelters has called for new laws to protect sacred sites.

Scientists are reporting high levels of abuse over COVID-19.

US and Chinese researchers say climate change may lead to a reduction in how much the world spends on energy.

Experts say the Australian health sector can be a leader in fighting climate change.

The Federal Government continues wafting in the vague direction of an emissions pledge.

NSW has launched a new $70 million Hydrogen Strategy.

Solar power met more than half of Australia’s grid demand for the first time over the weekend.

Prices for natural gas have hit a historic high.

Victoria’s auditor-general say the government cannot show it is preventing the decline of threatened species.

Researchers have mapped the DNA of one of the world’s oldest dogs to create a better baseline for breed studies.

New research shows some WA rivers are no longer perennial.

Advocates say Indigenous people in the Northern Territory are being denied water rights.

Chronic fear of climate change is on the rise in young people.

CSIRO has published a new online guide for home bushfire resilience ahead of this year’s fire season.

The Victorian Government has partnered with Traditional Owners on a new water strategy.

Computer modelling suggests 85 per cent of the world’s population is exposed to the impacts of climate change.

The NSW Government has been warned about its latest dam-raising plan.

Australian researchers are working on a smarter way of dealing with plastic waste.

BHP boss Mike Henry says the world’s sustainability drive could actually hamper its decarbonisation agenda.

Experts say the Federal Government must look at carbon offsets as essential for Australia to reach net zero emissions.

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