The planned Chepstowe wind farm in Central Victoria has received government approval following discussions between Victorian Planning Minister Matthew Guy and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)


"The independent assessment of the Chepstowe wind farm found that the proposal is consistent with the Victorian Coalition Government's wind farm policy at the time of its submission as well as the recent changes made to the planning schemes," Mr Guy said.


"Senior officers of the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) conducted a thorough investigation of the subject site and surrounding areas and met with all parties associated with the VCAT proceeding. All parties to the proposal had the opportunity to be heard, before a recommendation was made to Governor in Council”


The approval also requires consideration for native vegetation offsets and assurance the facility is compatible with identified environmental values.


"Importantly, the proposal meets the 2010 noise assessment standards," Mr Guy said.


The proponent of the wind farm is Future Energy, located adjacent to Chepstowe on Pittong Road, between Skipton and Snake Valley.


The Planning Minister's decision follows the 2011-12 Victorian Budget commitment of $2.5 million over the forward estimates to define suitable sites and no-go zones for wind farms and improve definition of significant landscapes.